Image from Jazz to Jazz
I found Sant Andreu Jazz Band through a video on YouTube in September 2016. I have since then introduced the band on Musik.pm twice – last time after having experienced a lovely performance by Sant Andreu Jazz Band in Premià de Mar, a small town close to Barcelona. In these introductions I have linked to a number of YouTube videos with both constellations. But La Màgia de la Veu & Jazz Ensemble deserves a post of its own. This is it!
In the beginning I saw the constellation as a group of senior, but still young, band members from Sant Andreu Jazz Band (La Màgia de la Veu) playing together with the Joan Chamorro Quartet (Jazz Ensemble), but after having enjoyed the band for a while I acknowledge that they should be looked upon as one band – the band La Màgia de la Veu & Jazz Ensemble. You could not imagine the band without the young members from Sant Andreu Jazz Band or the experienced musician from the Joan Chamorro Quartet. They unite in their love of music and their joy of playing and singing together – for us to enjoy.
The way the young female members take turns as vocal front figures, backing up singers and instrumentalists is very nice – and impressive. They sing excellent and play several instruments. Since the four young man of the band are not featured as vocalists they do not get in the spot light as much as the girls, but they are very important to the expression and energy of the band – like the experienced musicians from the Joan Chamorro Quartet are.
La Màgia de la Veu & Jazz Ensemble performed last night (July 7) in Premià de Mar, and of course I would very much have liked to be there. I am convinced that the lucky ones who managed to get tickets to the performance had a great night, just like I had with the Sant Andreu Jazz band in April 21. I compensate myself, and all others who were not there, by providing links to YouTube videos where the band perform all songs (but the last) from the beautiful album Joan Chamorro presents La Màgia de la Veu & Jazz Ensemble.
Joan Chamorro double bass and leader, Andrea Motis sax, trumpet and vocals, Rita Payés trombone and vocals, Alba Armengou sax, trumpet and vocals, Alba Esteban vocals, saxes and clarinet, Elia Bastida vocals, violin and tenor sax, Abril Saurí vocals and trumpet, Joan Mar Sauqué trumpet and trombone, Joan Codina trombone, Joan Martí saxes and flute, Marçal Perramon clarinet and saxes, Josep Traver guitars, Ignasi Terraza piano, Esteve Pi drums
Read also my earlier posts about Sant Andreu Jazz Band:
Sant Andreu Jazz Band
Sant Andreu Jazz Band live