is about music. Here you will find introductions to music and musicians – and also reflections on experiences of music. There are also links to performances and music videos. A nice screen and good speakers will enhance your experience. I choose the music and the musicians, provide some basic facts and reflect on what I see and hear. From there it is all about you. What do you experience? What are your reflections?
You can also find on Facebook and Twitter. The messages are of course shorter, but there is a lot of music!
A note on language: is based in Sweden. The first years the language used was Swedish. After the introduction of on Facebook and Twitter people from other countries found The language on Facebook and Twitter therefor had to be English. Since October 2015, I write the posts on this site in English. Earlier posts are still in Swedish, but even if you can’t read those posts – please enjoy the music!
Welcome to!
Bengt-Ove Boström
Critical friend and adviser
Margareta Boström
Cover image
Kicki Edgren
Web design
Pontus Sundén

Web-work with Kicki and Pontus

Interviewing Maria Ana Bobone together with Margareta

Interviewing Joan Chamorro together with Margareta

Interviewing Èlia Bastida